cut off by tides | English examples in context | Ludwig

High quality example sentences with “cut off by tides” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in …

Getting cut off by the tide is an incredibly easy mistake to make, and it happens to a lot of people around our coast every year. In fact, in the week prior to the family's …

1. 【释义】 the tide, the regular rising and falling of the level of the sea. 海潮,潮汐: 【例句】 Is the tide going out or coming in ? 现在是退潮还是涨潮? 【例句】 We went …

In light of RNLI figures revealing there were 1,425 lifeboat launches to people cut off by the tide across the UK and Ireland between 2017 - 2021, the charity has …

10. Don’t get cut off by the tide. A beach can seem like a vast playground but the tide can come in surprisingly quickly. To avoid getting cut off by the tide: Before …

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